Monday, April 6, 2009

Pink Slip Party

We hadn't heard of "Pink Slip Parties" until recently, but apparently they've been going on for a while now all across the country! With the unemployment rate in California only rising (what is it now, a bit over 10%?), there's never been a better time for these parties. 

What exactly is a Pink Slip Party? In short, it is a huge networking event that brings together unemployed/laid-off job-seekers and recruiters! The events take place at a bar/restaurant and typically feature cheap food and drinks. This Associated Press video will better explain how the parties work.

Interested? Well you're in luck. The next Pink Slip Party in LA takes place tomorrow in Beverly Hills. The party is being hosted by Accountemps, a staffing firm for accounting and finance professionals. So if that's your industry, and you're sitting at home reading this in the middle of the day, you should probably attend!

Accountemps Pink Slip Party
Tuesday, April 7th
6pm to 8pm
Boe Restaurant (at the Crescent Hotel)
403 N. Crescent Dr. Beverly Hills, CA.
**1/2 price gourmet  appetizers and $5 cocktails!**

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